
November 24, 2008

Teaching and Learning
While the Internet has opened us to a world of information and sources, it can also cause problems in our classrooms.  The Internet has provided our students with a wealth of websites that will sell, barter and even give away research papers, English papers and essays. How do you combat this in our classes?

In a recent article in T.H.E. Journal titled “e-cheating: Combating a 21st Century Challenge,” Kim McMurtry provides us with a list of 8 suggestions to combat this type of plagiarism:

  • Take time to explain and discuss your academic honesty policy
  • Design writing assignments with specific goals and instructions
  • Know what’s available online before assigning a paper
  • Give students enough time to do an assignment
  • Require oral presentations of student papers or have students submit a letter of

transferal to you, explaining briefly their thesis statement, research process, etc

  • Have students submit essays electronically
  • When you suspect e-cheating, use a free full-text search engine like AltaVista or

Digital Integrity

  • Consider subscribing to a plagiarism search service, like Plagiarism.org or


Read the entire article by clicking here

How have you dealt with e-cheating in your classes?

Entry Filed under: Blogs,Discussion-Join In,Higher Education,Reflections on Teaching,Resources,Teaching Tips,Tech Tips,Writing. Posted in  Blogs ,Discussion-Join In ,Higher Education ,Reflections on Teaching ,Resources ,Teaching Tips ,Tech Tips ,Writing .

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