Ten Easy Ways to Engage Your Students

October 15, 2008

Are you trying to find a way to make your classroom environment more engaging?  In a College Teaching article, Tara Gray and Laura Madson provide the following 10 tips for engaging students:
1. Maintain sustained eye contact.
2. Ask before you tell.
3. Create a structure for note taking.
4. Let the readings share your lectern.

5. Use the pause procedure.
Pause so that students can compare and discuss notes for 2 minutes.
6. Assign one-minute papers.
7. Try think-pair-share.

Hold Students Accountable Daily
8. Quiz daily.
9. Use clickers
10. Call on a student every 2-3 minutes.

This article provides great tips and give good examples on how to apply these techniques in your classroom.
Find the entire article through BGSU’s Library. Search for:
Gray, Tara and Laura Madson. “Ten Easy Ways to Engage Your Students.” College Teaching 25.2 (2007): 83-87.
How do you engage your students?

Entry Filed under: Active Learning,Discussion-Join In,Higher Education,Large Lecture,Motivation,Resources,Teaching Tips. Posted in  Active Learning ,Discussion-Join In ,Higher Education ,Large Lecture ,Motivation ,Resources ,Teaching Tips .

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