Perfect the Art of Teaching

August 14, 2008

Universities every couple of years have to “revamp” and revise their overarching ideas and approaches in order to better prepare their students for their lives after college. BGSU has different programs and goals, like the University Learning Outcomes, which are dedicated to providing a quality education while in college and after.

Kim Mooney’s recent article on asks professors to examine the ways they approach teaching. She asks whether professors are asking the right questions, teaching effectively and willing to adjust to their students’ needs. Ultimately, Mooney asks if professors and universities are using approaches and materials with their students that are in-line with the world their students live in now and will inherit in the future. Mooney provides readers with interesting questions, anecdotes, and examples of what some institutions are doing to better accommodate their learners. Please read the article and see what other professionals are saying beneath the article.

Entry Filed under: Active Learning,Discussion-Join In,Higher Education,Learning Outcomes,Reflections on Teaching,Resources,Service Learning,Student Success. Posted in  Active Learning ,Discussion-Join In ,Higher Education ,Learning Outcomes ,Reflections on Teaching ,Resources ,Service Learning ,Student Success .

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