Foster article: "New Systems Keep a Close Eye on Online Students at Online Students at Home"

August 1, 2008

Just last week an article by Andrea L. Foster was published in The Chronicle of Higher Education. The article has been generating plenty of traffic and just as much discussion. If you wonder why the article may be attracting so many readers, please read the first two paragraphs of her article (below) and what she writes about the overhauled Higher Education Act that recently was overwhelmingly approved by Congress.

“Tucked away in a 1,200-page bill now in Congress is a small paragraph that could lead distance-education institutions to require spy cameras in their students’ homes.

It sounds Orwellian, but the paragraph — part of legislation renewing the Higher Education Act — is all but assured of becoming law by the fall. No one in Congress objects to it.

Many instructors and students may not realize the impact this act may have on them. We would like to hear what some people say. Please read Foster’s article or get some more facts on the Higher Education Act and give us a comment on what you read.

Link to Foster’s article:


Entry Filed under: Academic Freedom,Blogs,Discussion-Join In,Higher Education,Scholarly Communication,Student Success. Posted in  Academic Freedom ,Blogs ,Discussion-Join In ,Higher Education ,Scholarly Communication ,Student Success .

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