New TA Workshop Series

July 22, 2008

Starting this fall the Center will be hosting a new Teaching Assistants workshop series. The series will be discussions for incoming, current and former Teaching Assistants. There are all sorts of components entailed in being a Teaching Assistant and instructing a room full of college students, and the Center would like to work with TA’s to discuss the many aspects. We will be talking about everything from taking attendance, to assessments, to writing syllabi. Resources and other suggestions will be offered to aid in every part of being a TA.

The Center is aiming to start this series of workshops in late August, with the next workshop to come around mid-October, and a final workshop towards the end of fall semester. The exact times and dates for the workshops will be forthcoming. Please see the Center’s website for further details in the near future.

Entry Filed under: Active Learning,Discussion-Join In,Reflections on Teaching,Rubrics,Syllabus,TA-Teaching Assistants,Workshop Extension. Posted in  Active Learning ,Discussion-Join In ,Reflections on Teaching ,Rubrics ,Syllabus ,TA-Teaching Assistants ,Workshop Extension .

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