2008 Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching – Traverse City, MI

March 12, 2008

(Forwarded from the Conference Committee:)
The call for proposals for the 8th Annual Lilly – Traverse City Conference on College and University Teaching is now open. The conference will be held Thursday, September 18 through Sunday, September 21, 2008. This conference has sold out each of the past four years and participants comment time and again that this is one of the best teaching conferences in the country.
Keynote speakers this year include Denise Green, Bill McKeachie, Laurie Richlin, Debra Rowe, Norman Vaughn, and Todd Zakrajsek.
The conference theme is Millennial Learning: Teaching in the 21st Century, and includes four major tracks: advancing active learning, teaching well with technology, cultural competency, and adult learning in nontraditional formats.
An integral part of the Lilly Conferences on Teaching and Learning is the number of high-quality presentations on improving student learning. Come share what has been successful in your classes and what you have discovered about facilitating student learning.
Click here to submit a proposal: http://www.facit.cmich.edu/lilly/proposals.shtml The deadline for proposal submissions is Monday, April 14, 2008.
Please visit the Lilly -Traverse City conference website for more information about this conference: http://www.facit.cmich.edu/lilly/
We hope you’ll consider joining us in Traverse City!
Todd Zakrajsek – Conference Director
Sarah Scoby – Conference Coordinator
NOTE: Traverse City, MI is about a 5 hour drive from BGSU!

Entry Filed under: Conferences,Scholarly Communication,Teaching Tips. Posted in  Conferences ,Scholarly Communication ,Teaching Tips .

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