Ken Bain (Part 2): People Learn Best and Most Deeply When . . .

November 27, 2007

From the Research Academy website at Montclair State University, Ken Bain’s research includes a list of a dozen requirements for meaningful student learning . . .

People Learn Best and Most Deeply When:
  • They try to answer questions or solve problems they find interesting, intriguing, important, or beautiful;
  • They can try, fail, receive feedback, and try again before anyone makes a judgment of their work;
  • They can work collaboratively with other learners struggling with the same problems;
  • They face repeated challenges to their existing fundamental paradigms;
  • They care that their existing paradigms do not work;
  • They can get support (emotional, physical, and intellectual) when they need it;
  • They feel in control of their own learning, not manipulated;
  • They believe that their work will be considered fairly and honestly;
  • They believe that their work will matter;
  • They believe that intelligence and abilities are expandable, that if they work hard, they will get better at it;
  • They believe other people have faith in their ability to learn;
  • They believe that they can learn.

What else should be added to this list? As educators, what is our role in helping students to believe they can learn?. . . Click on the COMMENTS link below to leave your thoughts!

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