Ken Bain: What the Best College Teachers Do

November 19, 2007

Ken Bain, Vice Provost, Professor of History, and Director of the Research Academy for University Learning at Montclair State University, visited campus on November 5th to present “Little Things Make a Big Difference” at the College of Arts & Sciences Forum. Author of “What the Best College Teachers Do,” Dr. Bain also facilitated two workshops based on his book and the years of research he has conducted.
Over the next couple weeks, we will highlight some of the insights offered during these sessions. Here is the first installment. . .

In the morning session, Bain asked participants to, “Think about the best teacher you’ve ever had; one that had a profound influence on what you feel and think. What were some traits of this teacher?

Some of the responses. . .
  • firm, yet caring
  • in love with subject
  • moved students into leadership positions
  • high expectations, especially for college (even in elementary)
  • generosity
  • demanding of self & others
  • passionate
  • well prepared
  • good listeners; learned from the students too
  • authenticity
  • humility
  • help students feel comfortable
  • belief in the student
  • hands-on learning activities
  • identify strengths in individuals
  • personal (yet, professional) relationship with students
  • role model for them; even outside of the classroom
  • inspirational
  • joy of learning exuded to students
  • techniques and process behind learning/how to learn & preparations for learning
  • sense of care about topic and self as scholar
  • understood why did what done and explained why to the students
  • charisma – makes subject come alive; passionate about helping students learn
  • encouraging; pushed to do more

What traits, if any, are missing from this list?. . . Click on the COMMENTS link below to get started!

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