Reflection: Share Your Thoughts — "I’m Grateful For…"

September 17, 2007

For Teaching Faculty and Graduate Teaching Assistants:
As an educator at BGSU, what are you most grateful for so far this semester?

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Entry Filed under: Discussion-Join In,Reflections on Teaching,TA-Teaching Assistants,Teaching Tips. Posted in  Discussion-Join In ,Reflections on Teaching ,TA-Teaching Assistants ,Teaching Tips .

6 thoughts on “Reflection: Share Your Thoughts — "I’m Grateful For…"

  1.    Anonymous  |  September 18th, 2007 at 1:04 am     

    I’m grateful for… the continual challenge to be a better teacher every single day — it keeps things interesting!

  2.    Anonymous  |  September 18th, 2007 at 1:12 am     

    I’m grateful for the the days where everything goes as works, discussions are meaningful, and the students grasps the concepts…While this sometimes feels like the exception and not the rule. I appreciate the days that seem to fly by without any problems…

  3.    Mark Earley  |  September 18th, 2007 at 1:28 am     

    I’m grateful for being continually refreshed by a new group of students each semester, students who continue to teach ME about how they learn and how I can continue to improve my teaching.

  4.    Anonymous  |  September 18th, 2007 at 1:59 am     

    I am particularly grateful this semester to have some “live wires” in all three of my classes. These active students make my job so much easier –and more fun for everyone. When I teach two sections of a course, one of the sections is often more enjoyable than the other. I attribute this dichotomy to the presence of students who volunteer answers, questions, comments, etc. that enable that class to move beyond the basics that I initially provide. I believe that student participation is an absolutely critical classroom component.

    Jeff Gordon
    Dept. of Geography

  5.    Anonymous  |  September 18th, 2007 at 4:23 am     

    I am grateful for the chance to continuously learn and study with the students. I am thankful the daily challenge of working to provide opportunities for students to get excited and help them understand the role they play in their own life long learning.

  6.    Ben  |  June 23rd, 2009 at 9:30 pm     

    That, and good food 🙂

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