Top 10 Future Forecasts for 2007 (from The Futurist)

July 24, 2007

1. Generation “Y” will migrate heavily overseas
2. Dwindling supplies of water in China will impact the global economy
3. Workers will increasingly choose time over money
4. Outlook for Asia: China for the short term; India for the long term
5. Children’s “nature deficit disorder” will grow as a health threat
6. We’ll incorporate wireless technology into our thought processing
7. The costs of global warming disasters will reach $150 billion per year
8. Companies will see the age range of their workers span FOUR generations
9. A rise of disabled Americans will strain public transportation systems
10. The robotic workforce will change how bosses value employees

(See the YouTube video )

What are your thoughts on these 10 forecasts?
How will these affect education, teaching, learning, and employment opportunities for our students? For us?
Do you have any other predictions/forecasts?

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