Learning Community Opportunties for 2007-2008

June 25, 2007

Applications for the 2007-2008 CTLT Learning Communities are now available through the end of July. This year, faculty, staff, and graduate students have eleven communites to choose from, including three new opportunities:

Core Commitments Service-Learning
Co-sponsored with the Office for Service -Learning, members will develop knowledge of service-learning outcomes and assessment plans for a newly designed service-learning course to be taught during academic year 2008-2009, including the implementation of community partnership best practices into course design and delivery.

Schlolarship in Teaching and Learning
An interdisciplinary group of faculty who value, encourage, and engage in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). The community and its members will research and discuss professional practices leading to the development of scholarly teaching and enriched and meaningful student learning.

Web 2.0 Pedagogy and Scholarship
University faculty, staff, and graduate students will explore the use of Web 2.0 tools for pedagogical transformation, community partnerships, scholarship of engagement, and new models of scholarly publishing.

Additional community opportunities include:
• Active Learning in the Natural Sciences
• Grant Writing for Teaching and Learning Initiatives
• The IF Learning Community at BGSU Firelands
• Life Science Scientific Teaching and Reform
• New Faculty
• Research in Science and Mathematics Education
• Transition to Digital

For more information or to download an application, visit the CTLT’s Learning Community web page.

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One thought on “Learning Community Opportunties for 2007-2008

  1.    cyberdiva  |  August 13th, 2007 at 3:29 am     

    The Web 2.0 LC will be blogging at


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