The UC Second Life Wiki

June 15, 2007

The UC Second Life Wiki
provides a valuable resource for any educator or student who plans to utilize Second Life as a teaching and learning tool. Second Life is a popular persistent online virtual “world” where users from around the globe can explore digital environments and interact with other users. More and more institutions of higher education are using Second Life to create unique virtual learning experiences. The UC Wiki provides essays of experiences from others, FAQ’s, tutorials and numerous other audio and video resources.

Do you have a Second Life Account? Have you used the program for teaching in any way? How? Any resources that you would like to share regarding Second Life?…Click on the COMMENTS link below to get started!

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One thought on “The UC Second Life Wiki

  1.    cyberdiva  |  August 14th, 2007 at 1:54 am     

    Yes I have used it – here is what a student in class wrote about why she thought using secondlife was useful to my summer class on Feminist Research Methods.

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