New Models of Publishing (Workshop Extension)

April 5, 2007

On March 15th, the Center and the University Libraries collaborated to offer part two of the Information Transformation Discussion Series, New Models of Publishing.

Here are some of the discussion items from this session:

We get tenure based on what we disseminate as a scholar – the number of times your work has been cited is a critical measure; should reviewers of tenure include how often a website is cited? A blog? Since there is no standard format for online writing/publishing (APA, etc.), does that make it less accurate or important?

In some ways, scholars are terrified about what they put on the web or to open access.

This is a whole new way to look at or reconceptualize how we are considered as academics in the field.

We teach graduate students about APA during their first course/class, but don’t mention anything about online publishing options.

“Digital Scholarship” – moves beyond PDF files to also include multimedia such as audio, video, and flash animations (using Adobe Acrobat Professional).

What about peer-reviewed podcasts & YouTube video submissions – still need text; need to train peer reviewers as well.

We’re still in the habit of teaching writing in schools, but not multimedia skills to represent concepts and knowledge – why not? Oral histories or ethnographies are a great example of reasons to use mulitmedia – capture with video/audio: singing, dancing, emotion, intonation, etc.

Is there something wrong with scholarly activities and creations being fun? (video, audio, multimedia, etc.)

This emphasizes the importance of media/information/digital literacy for students (and faculty) – who will teach this?

Web Resources:

Brief Overview of Open Access

Detailed Overview of Open Access

SPARC – Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition
For more information on:
• Author Rights; including the Author’s Addendum to submit with your publication agreements
• Journal Pricing
• Open Access
• Open Data
• Public Access to Research
• Repositories

Create who asks, “Shouldn’t the way we share research be as advanced as the Internet?”
• This website will help you understand the changing landscape and how it affects you and your research. It also offers practical ways to look out for your own interests as a researcher.
• A scholarly revolution is underway. It enables you to get a greater return from your research. All you have to do is share it.

DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals

The third and final discussion, New Models of Owning Ideas will be held on Tuesday, April 17th from 12-1:15 in the Pallister Room at Jerome Library. Here is the description:

New models of publishing provide choices for authors. What are the advantages and disadvantages of new models of owning ideas? Does the author keep the copyright, retain some rights through Creative Commons, give the copyright to the publisher? Join this discussion to learn about these options and think about what is the best choice for you.

To register, contact the Center at 372-6898,, or use the online form.

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One thought on “New Models of Publishing (Workshop Extension)

  1.    Kris  |  April 6th, 2007 at 6:08 pm     

    As a participant in the session, I began with the observation that technology
    always seems to be one step ahead of policy, pedagogy, and ideology. This is
    especially true with regard to digital scholarly publishing, where the technical
    possibilities are boundless while the limits of faculty incentive and reward within
    the context of tenure and promotion do little to promote innovation. One site of
    such innovation can and should be graduate education, in preparing future
    faculty to engage in new media literacy practices that move them beyond the
    “save as .pdf” model for their scholarly work. In encouraging graduate students
    to develop digital professional identities, we increase the likely impact of such
    literacy acquisition in our undergraduate classrooms as well. We also create future faculty who can become advocates for a cultural shift that better balances both print and digital scholarly production.

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