Assessment: University Learning Outcomes Rubrics

February 9, 2007

Are you familiar with the BGSU University Learning Outcomes rubrics? The six rubrics provide a guide for faculty in these areas: Inquiry, Creative Problem Solving, Decision Making, Write, Present, and Participate and Lead. According to SAAC (Student Achievement Assessment Committee):

“When distributed together with an assignment, rubrics help students to clarify the standards that will be used when their work is evaluated. If rubrics based on these prototypes become widely used, students will experience a greater consistency of expectation about faculty goals for their learning within majors and across the curriculum.”

Faculty are encouraged to adapt the rubrics as needed to suit the student outcomes.

How do you use these rubrics in your courses? What other types of rubrics do you use and for what type of learning outcome?

For more information on rubrics, explore these additional resources:

San Jose State University’s Developing and Applying Rubrics includes understanding, including, and creating rubrics. Examples of holistic and analytical rubrics are also provided.

A free, handy, online resource for creating and modifying rubrics is Rubistar.

Authentic Assessment Toolbox – Rubrics – A website by Jonathan Mueller.

Scoring Rubrics: What, When and How? – An article by Barbara M. Moskal

Schuh, John H. “Introduction to Rubrics: An Assessment Tool to Save Grading Time, Convey Effective Feedback and Promote Student Learning.” Journal of College Student Development, v. 47 issue 3, 2006, p. 352-355.

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