Is the Future of Interactive Learning Just a Click Away?

November 15, 2006

The newest classroom technology trend in keeping the attention of millennial generation learners is Audience-Response Systems. These wireless handheld devices are not just being used for “America’s Funniest Videos” anymore. Several manufacturers are selling these devices for use in the classroom- one for each student. These devices allow instructors to pose questions to the entire lecture and see if students really comprehend the learning. Harvard’s Eric Mazur, in his Foreword for “Clickers in the Classroom,” advocated for these devices stating: “After an instructor has been exposed to the feedback this method of teaching affords, it is impossible to go back to the passive lecture format and remain ignorant about what goes on in the minds of students.”

Conoley, J., Moore, G., Croom, B., & Flowers, J. (2006). A toy or a teaching tool? The use of audience-response systems in the classroom. Techniques: Connecting Education & Careers.
Available online: BGSU Libraries

Bruff, D. Classroom Response Systems, Vanderbilt Center for Teaching.
Click here for article.

Krueger, C. (October 3, 2005). Remote: New tool for alert classes. St. Petersburg Times Online.
Click here for article.

Share your opinion and experiences by leaving a comment below:
For those using “Clickers” in your classroom now: Are these handheld response devise purely entertainment, or do they really enhance learning? How so?

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3 thoughts on “Is the Future of Interactive Learning Just a Click Away?

  1.    The Center  |  November 29th, 2006 at 6:28 pm     

    The Center is looking for faculty interested in using student response devices (“clickers”) in their classroom. Please contact Carrie Rathsack ( if you’re interested in learning more.

  2.    Internet in K-12  |  November 30th, 2006 at 12:54 am     

    We recently purchased a response system for the education labs in the Education Building. We have had some tech difficulties and have not been unable to use them with our classes as of yet. What I can share is the information from a friend who teaches 3rd grade and thinks the response system has been a postive change to the learning environment . She has stated that students who in the pass would withdraw from class interaction, now have been come involved. She has commented that the students love the system and really become involved in the material that is being covered at the time.
    I think the key to use of such technology is always training and quality development of usage. I think that introducing such interaction provides another opportunity to touch more learning styles of our students.

  3.    ccassar  |  November 30th, 2006 at 7:12 pm     

    csign me up, but I worry that if I like it it will not be available by the next time I teach, that’s the problem with these technologies they tempt and tantalize but will BGSU end up providing and supporting them?

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