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Author Archives: dcarden
Power Desire Interest
In this thought-provoking paper by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak the author makes the argument that “Two senses of representation are being run together: representation as “speaking for,” as in politics, and representation as “re-presentation,”as in art or philosophy.” Spivak makes the … Continue reading
Executive Leadership
As we have recently focused on how Presidential elections are run, I wanted to focus on that topic for our last blog entry for this class. Former President Bill Clinton says this in an interview for Town & Country magazine. … Continue reading
Head of the Class
The focus for my blog entry this week is this article: “This phenomenon of “jobs polarization” is perhaps most assiduously studied by David Autor, an MIT economist. His research demonstrates that employment growth over the past three decades has … Continue reading
Right Said Ted
The topic in which I am going to focus on for this blog entry is disgust. This dialog is a Ted Talk regarding how feelings of disgust plays a part in politics. This quote from the transcript of that talk: … Continue reading
Rebel Yell
This Slate article from March 23 is regarding freedom of speech. In the state of Texas, there is a debate regarding first amendment speech. A group named The Sons of Confederate Veterans has proposed a state license plate depicting the … Continue reading
Maximum Orthodoxy
Martial arts and politics share many commonalities. They both should include self-control and respect. “A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.” – Bruce Lee. According to this Slate … Continue reading
“Dark Horse” Candidates
According to our text book in chapter 7 “Politics and Communication in America Campaigns, Media and Governing in the 21st Century” by Denton and Kuypers, there are key themes regarding politics and the internet. Those key themes include: decentralization, participation, community, … Continue reading