To whom it may concern,
Since it is Earth week (the week in which earth day is contained) First I would like to encourage everyone reading to do their part.
Then back to the ever so entertaining politics and the topic of climate change. When it comes to politics this topic is something I personally get a kick out of, at least when it is denied. Whether this is because my view on THIS TOPIC is very left, I’m of the millennial generation or maybe because I am a go green activist. On Earth day (Wednesday) Obama had spoke in Florida “We do not have time to deny climate change” in this video/article I found on MSNBC they discuss climate change, Obama’s speech, and Party politics. Obama tried bringing both Democrats and Republicans together by the way he went about talking about this topic. He attempted to reach out to Republicans, who are stereotypically “Climate Change Deniers” by talking about the economic side of it. I applaud his way of using framing and political language to do this. As someone with a science background I will not even attempt why people try to deny global warming, when the signs are so obvious it’s ridiculous. But I will go into what politicians may have to do to get votes. In this video one women Stephanie starts off with “Is climate change an issue for Republicans?” Meaning as the majority of the American people who believe that climate change is an issue, do Republicans need to start meeting a middle ground in order to even have a chance at winning? Stephanie lists “Young people, women, and the majority of the American public” as people whose votes climate change deniers need to start thinking about if they really want to be president.
I’m sure this may not be a deciding factor for all voters, but maybe it should be.
Climate Change Deniers – Someone who denies there is such a thing as climate change, when half our continent used to be covered in miles thick of ice.
An Independent with a very ‘left’ view
I agree that climate change is increasingly becoming an issue that each candidate must address. It is unfortunate that Republicans are stereotyped as being climate-change denier when in fact not all actually deny it. I do believe that some Republicans will have to start meeting middle-ground in order to obtain votes. I am not sure what the views are of the current Republican field, but I bet some will be changing their mind soon. Democratic favorite Hillary Clinton has changed her views on gay marriage since 2008, so it is almost certain that we see others change their views in order to get more votes.