Chapter 12 of Denton and Kuypers’ Politics and Communication in America discusses the increasing differences of modern presidencies and the new form of leadership. “Certainly in the last 25 years we have seen a transformation or a transition in terms of the roles and functions of the U.S. Presidency-not so much from a constitutional perspective, but from a cultural and sociological one” (p 257). Arguably, the American people would never have seen the discussion of banning sexual orientation youth Conversion Therapy during Nixon’s presidency. Yet, today the White House released President Obama’s Administration’s support to ban this horrific assault on gay, bisexual or transgendered minors. This decision surfaced after multiple reports of teen suicides that were attributed to the abusive tactics inflicted on non-heterosexual children as a means of “reparative” therapy. The Administration is following the recommendations by a number of major medical institutions who are taking a stance against this unproven, unethical programming. According to the article, Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser to the President wrote, “As part of our dedication to protecting America’s youth, this administration supports efforts to ban the use of conversion therapy for minors.” This practice is already banned in California, New Jersey and the District of Columbia; each state will have to vote on banning this atrocity.
The President has not enforced a federal ban on this issue but is a state decision. It is unfortunate that Ohio remains opposed to the Human Rights of the LGBT Community; however, it is an egregious act of violence, bullying and child abuse to turn a blind eye to the innocent citizens whose only protection can come from the government to save them from the perpetrators-the victims’ own families.
To view Ohio’s lack of support and refusal to accept that the LGBT Community has the same inalienable rights as Heterosexuals, visit: It is encouraging that our government has made strides to ensure equality in American continues to be a focus for improvement; however, it remains perplexing that this issue is still even debatable.