Donald Trump the master of perpetual surfacing.

I guess one would have to live under a rock if you have never heard of Donald Trump. He is considered a successful business man and is popular in the public eye. He is also known more recently for the success of his TV show ‘The Apprentice.’ Perhaps Trumps arrogance is his greatest and worst quality at the same time. He uses this arrogance in the business world as a powerful tool to achieve his goals, however many times leaving a wake of unhappy individuals. With this there is a convenient political side to Trump. This political side of Trump usually shows up around presidential election time to hint that he may make a bid for the presidency. Somehow though like in the past few elections he conveniently pulls out at the last minute. Well once again Trump is playing the same game as he has done before. I call it the ‘Value of perpetual surfacing.’ You see Trump knows the surfacing stage of all political campaigns brings a high level of interest. Interest where a potential candidate can get a lot of free press without spending almost anything. This is clearly Trump using arrogance as a business mogul to bring attention to himself. The political arena is purely his gateway in this scenario. Something we have seen him do time and time again. Will Trump run for president? Probably not. So this begs the question why does he do this? I can sum it up in one word ‘Arrogance.’ I wish america could once and for all tell Trump to take this perpetual surfacing, self serving tactic to move on down the road. Because Donald ‘Your Fired!’ Please read the link below and make a comment.

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4 Responses to Donald Trump the master of perpetual surfacing.

  1. MEisenhauer says:

    Hello Andy, in your post you state some interesting, typical, and not surprising qualities of Donald Trump’s. Remember in class when we had discussed there are politicians who run just to get their voice heard and to make sure that the candidates with the “real” chance at the title will touch on those topics. Trump may be an arrogant ass, who just wants people to pay attention to him and realize how much money he actually has. Or maybe he is setting a different possibly less arrogant agenda. The Donald Trump we all see may just be an act, to promote business (his or friends), raise topics, get a rise out of people, but there is no real way of knowing for sure.

  2. zbraun says:

    I also have to agree that Trump is just using the possibility of running open for some news coverage. If you were to hold a pull on what we think of Trump one answer being A) Great Leader, B) Slime ball, most would pick slime ball. I think he has the opportunity to really control some politics from the sidelines but would get chewed apart if he actually announced running. He loses his cool to fast when critiqued and that is something a political leader cannot have as a trait, we saw that portrayed with Senator John McCain in the 2008 election, he is just taking the publicity and will slip back when the time comes to step up.

  3. constab says:

    I would have to agree with both of my other two classmates who mentioned that maybe the true reason for Trumps actions or as you call it perpetual surfacing, is actually to help a candidate of his choosing be placed in a position that would line them up for the republican nomination. I also agree that he continues to only complete the surfacing phase of a campaign and never really seems to get past that phase. I would say if he truly feels that he is the only way that the United States will be great again then he really should at least move on to the next phase of the campaign which is the primary phase and see if the American people or if anyone really thinks he is what American needs. I believe he is afraid to actually find out that answer which I am sure is NO!!!

  4. corycc says:

    Wow you bring up a lot of good points and definitely a perspective that I hadn’t thought of before. As you stated in your post, basically everyone does know who Donald Trump is and for the most part people generally know that he is invested in presidential politics. It seems like every election year Trump is telling the nation just how he could transform America if he were in the oval office, after all he has been so successful in business. With all of his mighty claims it seems as though it is inevitable that he will finally announce his candidacy for president. Until he doesn’t. I think the most interesting and really eye opening statement you make is this idea of Trump taking full advantage of the free press, not to bring attention to any campaign that he may be running but to bring attention to his brand. This is turn continues to bring him in money without him having to do any publicity for any of his businesses. By “pretending” that he may be running for president he gains access to all types of free press and therefore revenue for his brand. Is he ever even really interested in politics? Who knows.

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