As far as attack ads go, this article has to be the most ridiculous piece of sexist bias I have come across so far.Texas CEO Cheryl Rios states, “With the hormones we have there is no way we should be able to start a war. We’re built differently, we have different hormones. In the world that we live in, I understand that there’s equal rights and that’s a wonderful thing and I support all of that. I don’t support a woman being president.” Thank goodness that the author of this article, Mel Robbins replied with,”When George W. Bush waged an unnecessary war in Iraq — was his testosterone to blame?” At first, I thought I had stumbled onto a fake news site by accident and should laugh at the satire. Imagine my disbelief when I realized that this is a legitimate concern of the voting population in America! Are we in 2015 or back in 1915? It seems to me that the opponents to a woman candidate should appear more intelligent by launching arguments that are not flavored with old fashioned myths about gender and power. Gawd, I hate politics.
Hello V. This article I can’t hardly believe. What does hormones have to do with making decisions? Perhaps Cheryl Rios has never taken a biology class, because last time I checked males have hormones also. There are miilions of business women in America that make hundreds of business decisions everyday, and yes they all have those damn horomones. This is an attack add for sure. Problem is that it’s premise is weak/false and it’s conclusion is unfounded. I do however find it schocking that someone of the female gender would make such a statement especially being a CEO. This definately gives off some mixed messages.
You are so right Andy! My grandmother is rolling over in her grave wondering how 100 years of Women’s Suffrage Movement could be dissolved by such an uneducated stance! Simply speechless~
Hello Andy and Victoria,
As a female of a different generation I too was appalled at this woman who claims men and women are equal, and this raised many questions in my head. When it comes to politics there is always an angle what was this women’s angle? does she simply not like Hillary?, Did she invest in the wrong political party? Maybe she will gain something if one of Hillary’s opponents wins? Yes men and women are different and our government is going into the sh*t hole, maybe we need to do something different than we are already doing or have tried. Whether this means it’s a women president, or just a different strategy than what has already been attempted. I support equal rights of men and women, though we are different in many ways and this being said does not mean that I do or have to be a Hillary supporter.
Vikkie, I totally agree that this is an attack ad but not just on Hillary it is an attack on equal rights all together. I like what you said about is this the 2015 or 1915 because you would expect this for something you read back then but not today and really not from a women either. I thought it was funny that you mentioned that at first you thought it was a fake news like we had read about and they even mention John Stewart and how he is leaving the Daily Show, maybe he should have stayed on just so he could comment on this ridicules story. What amazing me even today is how the hormone word is always thrown around when it comes to women but never men? Every living thing has hormones and they all work the same way and in many cases it works even more effectively in women because we tend to rationalize things more to make sure they are right. We are less likely to enter into something hastily until our male counter parts who have made decision too quickly and without the advice of their advisers.
I think that in just a minor defense of Rios, she has the right to say how she feels whether she is in the right or not. Being a feminist myself, it’s hard for me to agree with some of the things being stated in this article but what I don’t understand is what your biological clock has to do with the judgments you will choose. As the writer pointed out, Rios is speaking without knowing what really what she is speaking about. One important point that I didn’t see brought up was that Hillary was for sending troops into Iraq. Doesn’t that negate Rios’s stance that women won’t go to war? That they just aren’t biologically made up to go to war? Maybe her going into menopause has changed that but I don’t think that is really the case. I think it is important to recognize that Rios is notorious for her conservative approach and also that in this case that it isn’t about whether or not we believe what she says but know that her opinion as a woman is being seen at a national level.