In an article on CNN Hillary Clinton has changed her position on same sex marriages. When she ran for office back in 2008 she made it clear that she was against same sex marriage but supported the idea of civil unions instead and that position continued even as Secretary of State. Hillary stated that when she was Secretary of State she was out of domestic politics and it did not allow her to back same-sex marriages. While running in 2008 she mentioned that she felt it was a position that should be left up to the States, however she admired the activist in each state that worked diligently to get their message out. Denton and Kuypers would say this is framing to GOTV as we read about in chapter 6 and chapter 11. Others might say that the change is in light of some attack media she has received recently in regards to the email scandal and the agreement on sending troops to Iraq so she needs an edge to bring her back up in the polls. Further, in the article “Clinton states that she supports marriage equality and hopes that Supreme Court will come down on the side of same-sex couples allowing and guaranteeing that they have a constitutional right to be together and happy.” To make things even better we read later in the article that because of her change the largest LGBT group Equality California has endorsed Clinton and encouraged her to run. We discussed in chapter 10 how important it could be to a campaign if a large PAC backs your campaign because that is where the money is and in the end, money is the bottom line.
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