On MSNBC they post a video on radicle girls group called the Radical Brownies, in this group parents of girls of color put their daughters in a group where they can discuss things that effect their lives and do activities to help them be proud of their color. Looking at the ideology of this group many people would think things like “that’s good for them!”, “it’s so good they can express themselves” or as conservatives say “promoting separatism”. Most people may not think to view things like this critically, maybe because they are afraid of how it would make them look, or they think it’s not okay to be critical of a group like this. It is a good thing that girls of color have a place to go where they can express themselves and learn to be proud of their color. Maybe this makes my view similar to conservatives but I view this as a form of racism, not allowing girls with who are not of color to be in this group is excluding them. “You are different than us, and you’re not allowed to join” maybe a way to combat this or help all girls realize no matter what color you are they all go through similar difficulties.
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Im gonna post under here my post for this week and last week since i havent been able to post still.
CNN recently published the Article: http://www.cnn.com/2015/03/26/politics/election-2016-live-streaming-campaigns/)
How Live-Streaming will change campaigning, this article covers some new apps that just hit the market that allow people to live stream wirelessly from their phones/camcorders, it mentions that “just 15 minutes after the words left his mouth, American Bridge’s team had clipped the video edited it and posted a live link on Youtube.” This is improvement for the way Media can be tracked and as the article points out, has the potential to cause media to be released to the public much faster, this will speed up the Gatekeeping process for the 2016 election, and since anyone can use these products there will be more media coverage than ever before on events, whether it will be locations, speeches, or comments behind the scenes; canidates will be under fire much more often and will have a lot more free media coverage at the same time. Time will tell if these new apps will benefit the users or hurt them. I think we will have a lot more funny clips on mishaps and events that occur on the campaign trail causing plenty of drama.
Missouri Governor Nixon has created a recent stir. BookRiot.com posted a article about Governor Nixon’s cuts on Libraries substantially. the article mentions how last year he approved a budget of 3.5 million( plus 3.1 for digital services) but only sent out 724 thousand total. he has now decided that the new budget can be 724,000 dollars for all the libraries in the state! take for example Kansas City Public Library loses 100,000 alone from there budget with these cuts. this article has Priming throughout and is great in representing the lose public libraries have been facing throughout the United States. Politicians argue that they can cut spending there since the internet and its users can find just about everything that they need but that only works for people who have access to those advantages. I didn’t have internet at my house until I was a junior in high school, I relied on the library many times for research and entertainment growing up. Cutting Libraries directly hurts our future as a nation and our nation’s education. The biggest shock within the article was the fact that when students questioned the governor at his office he had them removed and thrown out by the State trooper guarding the office. He refused to meet up and take questions from them as well. This article has brought to light a dark side to the Missouri governor.
Link to article on Missouri book scandal: http://bookriot.com/2015/03/27/missouri-governor-nixon-putting-libraries-peril/
I think you bring up a lot of interesting points in your post. First, I would like to say that I found this article and your post to be very interesting and definitely an outside of the box news story. It is very interesting to me that parents would subject their children to these sort of measures. Not that I think this brownie group is negative, I just think it is a bold move on the parents end. The most interesting part of your response to me was when you stated that this sort of exclusion could be viewed as a form of racism. I applaud you for thinking outside of the box and for stating your opinion even though it may not be the most popular one. I think you are absolutely right that this could be viewed as a type of racism or perhaps a sort of elitism? Now I do think it can be viewed this way but I don’t think the intention is for these brownies to be any sort of radical racism group. To me this is very similar to race protests and demonstrations that have been going on for as long as any of us can remember. I would urge everyone to give these families and this group their space because to me it seems as though they are just trying to preserve and educate their race on cultural issues. No harm, no foul.