Toledo Symphony Orchestra String Quartet to Conduct Nov. 9 Reading Session of Student Compositions

On Nov.9, the string quartet from the Toledo Symphony will be reading and recording student works. Below is a list of all the particulars regarding the event. Please read it carefully.

Time and place:
Wed., Nov.9 from 3:30-6:00pm in Bryan Recital Hall

There will be four 30-minute slots available. The remaining 30 minutes of the session include a break for the musicians and buffer-time for transitions, etc.

Rules for submission:
-All BGSU composition majors are eligible for consideration for one of the four time slots.

-The submission must be for the entire ensemble, not subsets.

-The submitted work may be of any duration, however, keep in mind that each reading slot is only 30 minutes long.

Score submission date: Oct.19 (bound score, Dietz’s mailbox by 4:00pm)
Selected composers’ parts due date: Oct.25

(Submitted by Christopher Dietz)