Career Center Blog

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According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, there are many things that employers dislike when it comes to emailing in the workplace. Here are a few things that you should not do when emailing.

1. ALL CAPS: When you are sending a message to a coworker or employer, do not type in all caps. Even if what you are trying to say is urgent, typing in all caps will not make the message more important.

2. all lower case: Writing without any capital letters is just as bad as all caps. It makes the message seem informal and lazy.

3. Wrong! punctuation?: Check over your email to make sure that you have included the proper punctuation. Your message may be confusing if there are exclamation points where periods should be.

4. Txt Tlk: Do not write in ‘text talk’. Firstly, it is informal and not appropriate for the workplace. Secondly, not everyone will know what you are trying to say. This will make messages hard to understand.

5. Sending extremely long emails that could have been summed up in just a few sentences: Although it is good to write in complete sentences without the use of abbreviated text lingo, it is not good to write an email that is extremely long. If you have a message that is one long continuous paragraph, then it may be necessary to shorten it down to just the important points.

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