Career Center Blog

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How important is happiness when it comes to money? I have realized that many people put their happiness on the back burner in order to survive in this world. You find a job that pays you well. “Well” being relative of course. Your position isn’t bad and you can do the work without too much stress. If someone were to ask you if you liked your job, you’d reply by saying “I don’t mind it”. I mean, why wouldn’t you mind it? It’s better than your previous job that you absolutely hated and you make more money. But are we just satisfied with it being an ‘okay’ job? After a while, this satisfaction could and will most likely deteriorate, leaving you feeling like you should be doing something you love. Quitting your job that pays you well in order to begin doing something you love is not as easy as it seems. It takes courage and it can be frightening. Logically speaking, it would be a bad move to walk out of your job without any other plans to pay bills and provide for yourself and whomever else.

Becoming aware that you want change in your life is a huge step. It connects your mental activity with your physical actions leaving you to take subconscious steps in the right direction. In the direction towards your happiness. Whatever you plan to do, make sure that it is what makes you happy. How would you know? Well, it’s not as difficult as it seems. You will know. It is an intuitive feeling that is so obvious that it gets pushed aside. It is like that plant you walk past everyday in your office. You are so used to it being there that you don’t even recognize it. You know its there, but you pay no attention to it at all because you are indulged in a habitual environment that is more than predictable. If this is your only life, find something that makes you happy, and do it. As intelligent creatures, we can find a way to make things work for us if we really put our minds to it. Use your mind and creativity and make your life work for you. In the end, after money and happiness has had their battle, the only thing that matters is happiness.

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