Ready for new carpet.

The CAC reference area was the scene of a great deal of hustle and bustle.  For ten days in July, staff and researchers made room for construction workers and furniture movers.  The old carpeting was worn and frayed and the tables and chairs had a rummage sale variety.  Card catalogs no longer in use were taking up valuable floor space.

The photograph at left shows the newly-bare floors ready for the installation of carpet tiles. Carpet in place

At right, the new carpeting is in place and ready for furniture.  The CAC Conference Room was also updated during this remodeling, complete with carpeting, and new tables and chairs.

Below, the scene that will greet researchers when they arrive at the CAC. The new service desk allows staff to see the entire reference area and easily lend assistance. Patrons will have more usable area in the reading room. Just a few final touch-ups remain and our remodeling will be complete.

cacconstr1a1    cacconstr4a

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