Archive forMarch 12th, 2007

Researchers interested in the part northwest Ohio played during the Civil War now have a new resource available at the CAC’s website. Northwest Ohio in the Civil War is more than just an expansion of the newspaper correspondence index. Muster-in and muster-out dates for each unit are provided, as well as a list of the […]

The Center for Archival Collections is seeking nominations for the annual Local History Publication Award, to be presented each year in the Spring. Two separate divisions have been established for the annual contest. The first category for Independent Scholars includes all publications that were completed for non-academic purposes. The second division, the Academic Scholar category, […]

The regular attendees of our annual Conference on Local History will be interested to learn that no conference will be held this spring. The presentation of the Local History Publication Award will take place later in the year. At this writing, the presentation event is still in the planning stages. Watch for further announcements.