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Archive for May 4th, 2011

Going green in the home

Going green in something that everyone wants to do, but often times it seems like it is easier said than done. There are a few, simple things that can be done around any house that can save energy emissions and even lower energy bill costs. This video shows the benefits and some simple ways to […]

Phosphorus bans in soap are small help to pollution problem

Phosphorus pollution in Lake Erie is a big problem, and there could be a little solution: changing the dishwater detergent people use. Detergents commonly contain phosphorus, a chemical that helps to bind dirt and remove it. Phosphorus is particularly good at binding iron, a major component of soil. “Analyze soil and it’s mainly all iron. […]

The Phosphorus Problem

Lake Erie calls people from all over to swim, boat and fish. Last summer was no exception to the fun, except for the harmful algae blooms and dead zones that developed on the lake. Scientists are expecting Lake Erie to be in for much of the same this summer. “Nutrients that go into the lake […]

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