Daily Archives: October 23, 2018

Day 16: 10/22

For this class session, we conducted another round of critiques for our progress on our projects. By this point, I have my line work, base colors , shading and highlights done. The only thing that had been really stumping me with the project was trying to impose more photos on my second and third image as well as attempting to create effective backgrounds. Luckily, I was able to ask my classmates about potential solutions to the problem.

For the first image of the girl, I was suggested to do a black background with a faded white stripe around the eye level. I think for simplicity’s sake, it would definitely worth trying and experimenting with. For the second image of the pastor, I was advised to impose the bible verse scripture names/numbers on either his robes and/or a series of photographs of pills in the background. That along with the referral of reincorporating the halo that I had removed from behind the pastor. Hopefully with some help from a classmate, I can learn how to incorporate those  features effectively. Finally for the third image, I was recommended to add my images in between the spaces of the DNA and to incorporate a glow around the character on a dark background. I thought this was honestly my favorite piece of advice that I’d received during the critique. I believe that last piece of advice for that piece was to also age the character up to convey the feeling of the passage of generations through the three images. I thought that was such a cool idea. I hope that I can make it work. Other that that, I’m right on track for where I need to be by this point in the semester.