Daily Archives: October 19, 2018

Days 14 & 15 : 10/15 & 10/17

Over the last several days, I spent time mulling over what decisions to make in regards to my pieces. In the end, I was able to make a few of them.

For the first image,I was not only able to add more definition to the character’s skin, but I was also able to implement the suggestion of placing the images in the hair of the character. Honestly, it was quite the improvement. I feel like the two pieces of the image are no longer trying to out-do the other. Instead, they seem to be able to guide the eye downward from the photographic elements to the illustrative element of the image. The background, however is still giving me lot of trouble. I’m still unsure if I want to go for something flat or go for something that carries a pattern.

For the second image, I was able to define the skin and clothing of the pastor more. Beyond that, the implementation of the bible verses is giving me a hard time. I feel like trying to implement them in the robes is proving quite difficult, so I was debating on if I should incorporate them into the background in a way that looked less like a poster. Like the previous work, the background stumps me.

for the third work, I was able to define the character and her clothing more, but I also had a thought about what to do for the DNA strands. Those were very important elements to me, so I didn’t want to part with them, so while taking Dena’s feedback in mind, I wanted incorporate something positive within that design element. So while one strand will have the negatives associated with the history of my race, the other will incorporate the positive attributes associated with my race. Once again, beyond that design element, the background eludes me. Hopefully I can get some useful feedback in regards to my dilemma during the critique on Monday.