Character bio

Name: n/a

Age: 5

Evolution/Life Cycle (relative to human?): Young child

Ethnicity: n/a

Height: 3ft

Weight: 80lbs

Gender: Male

Culture: Very limited

Profession: Eating and exploring

Dreams: Being big and strong, free

Beliefs: It’s okay if you’re just curious

Food: Anything can be food

Weaknesses: Overly curious, ignores dangers, gets lost

Goals/Ambition: To have fun and explore

Obstacles: Strange terrain, lack of physical and mental maturity

Stereotype/Archetype: The big, yet young, curious doofus creature

Sense of Humor: Mischievious, prankster

Health: Has plenty of youthful vigor

Family: Normal family unit. Always has somebody looking for him when he wanders off

Environment: Hilly/mountainous area with grassy hills & plains

Intelligence: Intelligent for its age. Always wanting to learn and having curiousity, but not necessarily a very smart creature yet.

Nocturnal habits: Always back at home for bedtime

Body Structure: A head that still seems too big for his body. Might have wings that are too small to serve any purpose at the time.

Fears: Being lost (but not conciously trying to prevent it), being bored

Talent: Can navigate the terrain well, hides easily when necessary.

Self View: Invincible!

Flaws: Cannot stay in one place for too long.

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