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12 concepts…

1. Some things are better left alone / curiosity killed the cat.

2. The best things come in small packages. 

3. Go against the grain, do what makes you happy. 

4.Ugly or Unusual are beautiful to someone.

5. Appearance isn’t an indicator, something dangerous looking may not be. 

6. Never underestimate the value of what you have. You don’t know what you have till you loose it. 

7. Never judge a book by its cover.

8. Don’t let a fear control your life. 

9. Always live within you means, don’t covet what you don’t have. 

10. Sometime a small sacrifice can make life better for everyone. A small act of kindness can change someone’s life. 

11. Everyone has a purpose in life, you just have to find it. 

12. Temptation give in, or give up, either way could be disastrous

~ by erikaj on August 28, 2008 .

4 thoughts on “12 concepts…

  1.   Valerie Garblik Says:

    Your concept for number 10, “Sometimes a small sacrifice can make life better for everyone. A small act of kindness can change someone’s life.” is really thought provoking. I feel that a story surrounding this could prove very moving and emotionally charged. Because you are faced with a short timeframe in which to accomplish this small sacrifice or act of kindness, pushing the actual act and response to the very end of your film could be one way to take your audience along as you explore the other character’s misery or discontent through the first part. The quick transformation of the character by the act of kindness, followed by the ending of the film, would still leave your audience partly engaged and coming down from the emotional rollercoaster. They may think “Wow, small things really do make a difference, look how happy he/she is now!”. I think the main thing you would need with this story concept is the ability to create a strong sense of empathy early on for your distressed character, so that when the act of kindness takes place they are elated and exhuberant at the outcome.

    Hope this help!

  2.   Kyle Hallowell Says:

    A lot of your ideas deal with inner beauty. Maybe if you deal with something from that idea.

  3.   pmette Says:

    I like 4 and 6. They offer a lot of freedom for you to work upon. Just be careful to avoid some clichés with what follows those two premises. 10 might also be worth taking a further look into as for what it offers, but I could see more than one character in it is one of the factors I could see in it. Good luck.

  4.   Paul Jarvis Says:

    I think #3, #10 and #11 have the most potential — With #10 especially, the theme alone isn’t very clichè, and it could make for a really touching story.

    If I had to offer up a suggestion, it would be to stay away from “standard” themes. Themes like #1 and #7 have been done to death from film to children’s books to animations.

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