Vegan cake, pizza and pumpkin-loving squirrels.
Bon appetiti. These pictures are all centered around hearty food, everything from fall to winter fare. There is so much delicious food and happy times to be had in the vegan world…Also, if anyone has had experience with squirrels who attack pumpkins (or anything else for that matter) let me know!
May 13, 2011 @ 2:39 am
Your post made my mouth water big-time. I thought all vegan food was as boring as all get-out. I’ll be on the lookout for some dynamic veg recipes now for sure!
All the very best of British luck to you.
Adore the feel of your blog, as an aside. In the heartfelt words of our muscle proud Arnie, “I’ll be back” (if you’ll have me) 🙂
June 11, 2011 @ 5:35 am
not a fan of veggies, but those photos only make me want to try them!