Welcome to BUSE 4280/5280

Here is a question I like asking students. You may practice using the “comment” feature to my posting.
Why are you majoring in business education at BGSU?

26 thoughts on “Welcome to BUSE 4280/5280

  1. robbine
    8:00 pm - 10-17-2011

    I am very interested in business and education just seems like something different.

  2. rheath
    8:00 pm - 10-17-2011

    I wanted to get into education and I really enjoyed the content area of business.

  3. Lexi
    8:00 pm - 10-17-2011

    I knew that I wanted to be a teacher and I loved all of my business and technology classes in high school. So majoring in Business Education was the perfect fit.

  4. lmccabe
    8:01 pm - 10-17-2011

    I have wanted to be a teacher since I was little. As I got older, I found I enjoyed business education classes. When I visited BGSU for a college visit, I fell in love with the campus. Now here I am!

  5. zliber
    8:01 pm - 10-17-2011

    I am majoring in Business Education at BGSU because it gives me a lot of options with a degree after I graduate.

  6. Brittany
    8:01 pm - 10-17-2011

    I am majoring in Business and Marketing Education here at BGSU because my high school business teacher inspired me to want to educate. I am excited about the content within business and hope to show my students my excitement!

  7. mvarn
    8:01 pm - 10-17-2011

    I am majoring in Business Education because it combines my passion for business and teaching

  8. kduly
    8:01 pm - 10-17-2011

    I am majoring in business education because of Lexi Pickard. She was the one who told me about the major and introduced me to DJ. I changed my major twice before finally finding business education.

  9. asevert
    8:01 pm - 10-17-2011

    I am majoring in Business and Marketing Education at BGSU because it is something that I am very passionate about. I was a marketing student in high school and absolutely loved the class. It was one of the most beneficial programs I was involved in in high school. I always wanted to be an educator but up until taking marketing, I had no clue what I wanted to teach. It was a perfect fit for me!

  10. bechstm
    8:01 pm - 10-17-2011

    I wanted to teach content that is important for students to learn..

  11. lwichman
    8:01 pm - 10-17-2011

    To become the BEST biz ed teacher ever!

  12. trcoyle
    8:01 pm - 10-17-2011

    I am majoring in business education because I enjoy business and teaching others about business

  13. jtisza
    8:01 pm - 10-17-2011

    I am majoring in business education at BGSU in order to positively impact students and teach them important business content which will benefit them in their future.

  14. malonek
    8:01 pm - 10-17-2011

    I enjoyed a session/teaching the content as a Junior Achievement instructor while at LCCC. Sadly no one informed me I could major in that content area until my second year at bgsu.

  15. andrdav
    8:02 pm - 10-17-2011

    Hi Dr. Kuceyeski,

    My interest in majoring in Business Education was sparked by my involvement in Business Professionals of America in High School. I did very well both years I particiapted, going to and placing at the National competition both times.

    I always knew I wanted to teach, but it was the guidance of my program teacher, as well as the releveant content and authentic application of the major that kept me intrigued the past four years.


  16. tylerjs
    8:02 pm - 10-17-2011

    I am majoring in business education because I love the idea of business. I love how any person can take an idea and make that idea a reality and make money and enrich the lives of many people. Seeing how I don’t currently have a good idea yet I’m going to have my students come up with an idea and steal theirs.

  17. Homa Lily
    8:02 pm - 10-17-2011

    DECA changed my life in high school, and I know that those experiences I had are still very beneficial to students today. Also, I hope to change the world, one business education student at a time! 🙂

  18. hooverb
    8:02 pm - 10-17-2011

    I took a few business courses in high school and really enjoyed them. After deciding to become an education major I thought business and marketing education would be a great career choice.

  19. cphill
    8:02 pm - 10-17-2011

    I am majoring in business education at BGSU because I have always been interested in marketing and think it would be fun to work in a school environment.

  20. Pamela
    8:03 pm - 10-17-2011

    To teach business classes in the community college setting and be an awesome instructor! Graduating from BGSU will provide the tools I need to be a successful teacher!

  21. MissCynthia (no space intended)
    8:04 pm - 10-17-2011

    To expand upon my previous experience in workforce development and to teach adults the dynamic world of business from a real-world, practical experience.

  22. welcha
    8:04 pm - 10-17-2011

    Well I was originally just a marketing education major because I love DECA. After my first meeting with Dr. Burns he pretty much said I had to pick up business education as well. So basically it was forced upon me hahah but thats okay I am happy I did it.

  23. bdeddy
    8:04 pm - 10-17-2011

    I worked for a year in business but felt that education was my true calling. I then merged the two fields into my perfect job and love it!

  24. cmmoody
    8:05 pm - 10-17-2011

    My mission in life is to help the American Youth be competitive on a global scale. My vission is that they will become the ideal global business leaders that will practice integrity and social responsibility. I believe business education and marketing education is the avenue that will help me live out my personal mission.

  25. wrhonda
    8:06 pm - 10-17-2011

    I am interested in learning all about blogging since I have no idea what I am doing! I am in the Business and Marketing Education program and I look forward to using these techniques in the classroom.

  26. Pamela
    10:11 am - 10-19-2011

    My goal is to teach on-line courses either at Owens or Terra Community College. I love working with college students as I have for the past 30 years and I miss it. I need a masters degree to be able to teach at the college level. I want a job that has some flexability so I can spend more time with my children and grandchildren.

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