wesleyp's blog

November 25th, 2008

VCT 366 – Internet Surf and Turf

Posted by wesleyp in VCT 366    

Chapter 2, Project Builder 1:

Part 1:

Showing Copyrighted Material. The female in Chapter 2 infringed on copyrights of the photographs by placing the images in to her own work. The original producer owns these images, and their rights are being infringed when used in other works.

Reproduction of Work. The works of the original owner are being used and manipulated without approval. This is a violation or infringement that could be claimed against the female for not getting prior approval.


Part 2

The purpose and character of the use. This would not be an infringement due to the fact that the work is not being used or reported as news or research.

Nature of the copyrighted work. This would be an infringement due to that fact that even though the work was unpublished and used for entertainment purposes, it was not used strictly for personal use.

Amount and sustainability. This would hold up as an infringement because even though the amount of work used was limited, the original images were identifiable.

The effect of use. This would also hold up as an infringement because even though it was a game, the original works were still used without approval.

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