wesleyp's blog

November 5th, 2010


Hi Everyone –

Here is a two-part screen cast of my personal learning environment! I hope you all enjoy the tour and I look forward to yours.



4 thoughts on “LRND 6820 PLE

  1. Wes, great job on your PLE. 🙂 I also organize my files into folders and subfolders in my e-mail and all my information for classes, I didn’t think to include that in my PLE, duh!! I should have! I use a flash drive most often to back up my info. I had not heard of FileZilla, so that is neat, I have used FTP before though. I will check that out. Thanks!

      Misty Green — November 7, 2010 @ 8:16 am   

  2. Great presentation, Wes.

    It was great to see that you’re using some of the elements of your PLE to support your entrepreneurial interests as well as your academic work.

    It looks like you’ve found a combination of tools that work well for you and serve a lot of different needs, from real-time collaboration with others to simply keeping yourself organized. (I think of my calendar and “to do” list as being elements of my PLE as well, mainly because offloading the work of remembering all the little daily goals I have lets me focus more of my mental energy on more complex and interesting things.)

    I’m also glad to hear that you’re finding some of the things we’ve played with in this class (e.g. Diigo) to be worthwhile.

    Finally, including a “backup” strategy is a great idea. I’m obviously a great believer in using technology to enhance thinking and remembering, but I also think that the more we integrate our gadgets and software into our thinking and work process, the more we stand to lose if things go haywire. Having copies of at least the important stuff stored securely and remotely is a great insurance policy.

    Keep experimenting with new tools and exploring ways to integrate and optimize things, and, as time allows, using tools like Twitter and Diigo to connect with people and resources beyond BG to feed your interests.

    Again, very nice job.

      EricC — November 8, 2010 @ 9:11 pm   

  3. Wes

    It was really nice to see your PLE demo and some of the applications that you are using. Showing how you backup files/FTP was a good idea as it is a crucial part to your environment. I also liked how you mentioned some of the applications that you used to use before finding the application you were explaining. XMind is another thing that I have used for Terry’s classes and really helps with the beginnings of research projects that I didn’t think to include in my PLE. Nice job covering a wide variety of applications and tools that you use for your environment.

      Rachel — November 10, 2010 @ 10:30 pm   

  4. We agree upon using a well-organized filing hierarchy within Windows. A web programmer in India will keep you up late or arise early to communicate – love how small technology makes the world, just adjust to time zones. A Google aficionado – do you get a commission check for Part I of your PLE?  A high recommendation for following John Seely Brown – alrighty then … thanks you for a great personal PLE tour Wes.

      Frank — November 11, 2010 @ 10:43 pm   

  5. […] Wesley […]

      The Weekly – November 15-21 | LRND 6820 — November 15, 2010 @ 7:33 pm   

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