wesleyp's blog

April 6th, 2011

LRND 6790 – Draft Methods (revised)

Posted by wesleyp in LRND6790  Tagged ,    

Title: Can franchisees be effectively trained in a digital environment exclusively using e-learning?


The purpose of this study is to determine whether it is feasible to train franchisees exclusively using e-learning in a digital environment. A variety of digital platforms, both synchronous and asynchronous, will be used to deliver training materials throughout a predetermined time frame with check points and goals. Result will be evaluated and measured using an assessment, survey and general observation during the training.


At the completion of training, franchisee assessment scores and overall comprehension of material will conclude that it is feasible to exclusively use e-learning in digital environment as the sole means of training.

Possible Research Questions:

Is either synchronous or asynchronous communication preferred?

Does either synchronous or asynchronous communication require more time to be effective?

  1. Does this affect the results?
  2. Does supervision encourage the trainee to be more focused?

Does prior knowledge of the technologies used affect the results?

  1. Positively or Negatively?

Do technological limitations decrease results?

Is there a learning curve for the technology platforms used to deliver materials?


This study will be performed on a group of potential franchise applicants.

Study Procedure

A mixed methods approach will be used to evaluate effectiveness and feasibility.


  • Final Comprehension Assessment
  • Focus Group
  • Observation


  • Questionnaire / Survey

Mind Map


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