wesleyp's blog

February 13th, 2011

LRND 6790 Weekly Challenge #4: Thesis Questions

Posted by wesleyp in LRND6790  Tagged ,    

Title: Can franchisees effectively be trained exclusively in a digital environment?

Purpose Statement:

The purpose of this study is to determine whether it is beneficial to use ELearning exclusively to train franchisees by studying the overall effectiveness compared to face to face training. A mixed methods approach will be used to determine and compare the effectiveness of both training methods; including an assessment, survey and general observation during the training.


There will be no significant difference between the face to face and digital platform training comprehension; resulting in both being feasible franchisee training options.


Does the amount of time needed to complete the training differ from one method to the other?

  1. Does this affect the results?
  2. Does supervision encourage the trainee to be more focuses?

Does prior knowledge of the subject affect the results?

Would a digital game increase results for the ELearning group?

3 thoughts on “LRND 6790 Weekly Challenge #4: Thesis Questions

  1. This is nicely focused, Wes. Are you creating potential training materials that you would use in creating your franchise company?

    On the “prior knowledge” item, it almost certainly will affect results. However, it’s good that you’re taking prior knowledge into consideration. To do a good comparison between online and face-to-face delivery, it might be useful to administer a “pre-assessment” to participants in both groups BEFORE the training. Then you could do a post-assessment after they complete the training as a measure of who learned more as a result of participating in the training.

    The game based element is almost an additional study unto itself. If you’re interested in this angle, you might think about whether you might really want to study online training with no game element vs. online training WITH a game element — particularly if, with your business, you’re pretty certain your training program is going to be online anyway.

    Of course, you could do all three groups. (Face to face, online with no game, online with game.) However, you would probably want to recruit a few more participants to do a valid comparison of three groups instead of two in addition to developing the third variant of your training module.

    You’re off to a great start!

      Eric Calvert — February 17, 2011 @ 8:44 pm   

  2. Wes, you are asking the appropriate question concerning the effectiveness of using only eLeraning/eTraining as the sole means of franchise training. Did you interface with SBA office to gain access to franchise materials/forms? If not, another source will be our local Bowling Green advocate Randy Gardner in Columbus. His office may also be assist. More power to your quest toward growing your business. However, there may be more money in education/entertainment game design.

      Frank — February 20, 2011 @ 7:42 am   

  3. Wes, check out the free Webinar on Franchising with “Edible Arrangements” at http://www.ediblearrangements.com/Default.aspx

      Frank — March 4, 2011 @ 10:08 pm   

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