wesleyp's blog

February 13th, 2011

LRND 6790 Weekly Challenge #4: Thesis Questions

Posted by wesleyp in LRND6790  Tagged ,    

Title: Can franchisees effectively be trained exclusively in a digital environment?

Purpose Statement:

The purpose of this study is to determine whether it is beneficial to use ELearning exclusively to train franchisees by studying the overall effectiveness compared to face to face training. A mixed methods approach will be used to determine and compare the effectiveness of both training methods; including an assessment, survey and general observation during the training.


There will be no significant difference between the face to face and digital platform training comprehension; resulting in both being feasible franchisee training options.


Does the amount of time needed to complete the training differ from one method to the other?

  1. Does this affect the results?
  2. Does supervision encourage the trainee to be more focuses?

Does prior knowledge of the subject affect the results?

Would a digital game increase results for the ELearning group?

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