LRND6790 – Part 2 – Introduction
Hello Everyone,
This is my second semester in the Learning Design program, and I am also a teaching assistant for VCT1030 & 1040. I graduated from BGSU in May of 2009 with a Bachelor of Science in Technology, with Visual Communication Technology as my major, and studies in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. I have been interested in entrepreneurship since I was young, and I have experimented with many different ventures over the years. A BGSU classmate and I started a digital media company called Twistup Media during college and continue to grow that as we both take on other opportunities.
My aspirations are to start up a web based company involving screen printing and apparel decorating and run that for the first part of my career, and I hope to eventually end up as an instructor or professor someday.
I have done limited research in LRND related topics, and most of it was last semester for course work and a literature review. I want to focus my thesis or major project on franchisee training, or something related, for a web based screen printing company. I have no submitted my topic or started my thesis yet.