wesleyp's blog

November 21st, 2010

LRND 6820 – Distributed Intelligence

Posted by wesleyp in LRND6820  Tagged ,    

Matt did a nice job summarizing this article and coming up with some thought provoking questions. This article was difficult to read, let alone summarize, but I think Matt covered the main points.

I think the best summary of the article is  “Activity is enabled by intelligence, but not only intelligence contributed by the individual agent. When intelligence is distributed, the resources that shape and enable activity are distributed in configuration across people, environments, and situations. In other words, intelligence is accomplished rather than possessed.”

1) Describe your opinion of the “effect of technology” vs. “the effect with technology” on intelligence?
Effects of technology are advanced tools and new software  that aid in learning or provide a platform where learning can take place.

I think Misty hit it on the head when she said “The effect with technology on intelligence is that with these new tools learning potential is endless to what the learner makes it.” The platforms and tools have evolved so much with advances in technology that learning can be more effective and efficient.

2) How do you believe that the “Zone of Proximal Development” theory as described by Vygotsky has evolved with the introduction of technology?

The Zone of Proximal Development has evolved with technology in a way that the learner can seemingly do more with less help.

One thought on “LRND 6820 – Distributed Intelligence

  1. You pulled out one of my favorite quotes from the article, Wes. (Did you see any connections between Pea’s view of the role of technology in thinking/knowing and the ideas about the role of environment in intelligence we saw in the readings from Barab and Plucker or Dai and Renzulli?

    Hope you have a great Thanksgiving,


      Eric Calvert — November 23, 2010 @ 1:34 am   

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