wesleyp's blog

November 5th, 2010

LRND 6820 – Snowflakes, Living Systems, and the Mysteries of Giftedness

Posted by wesleyp in LRND6820  Tagged    

I think that Misty did a nice job summarizing this week’s reading.

“The main argument of this article is that human living systems are open, dynamic, intentional systems and,
therefore, are capable of building ever more complex behaviors through self-organization and self-direction.”

The authors of this article discuss their beliefs on how “giftedness” evolves over time, and is NOT something we are born with. I personally believe that the potential for giftedness may be partly genetic, but like an idea, it means nothing unless put to use. This potential can be revealed with further education, mentors, teachers, experiences, and so on.

—My responses to Misty’s questions—

1.Do you agree that giftedness is made, not born? Why, please explain.

For the most part, I agree that giftedness is made, not born. I agree with some of the other classmates in the sense that some aspects are genetic, but I think the “potential” for giftedness is a large portion of the genetic aspect. I think in the long run, it is utilizing both what you were born with, the skills that you acquire and how you put everything to use.

2.Are Dai and Renzulli onto something with their theory and indication that gifted development and delivery needs further research.? Please support your response.

Again, I agree with my classmates that “giftedness” can be situational unless specifically defined. Further research is definitely needed, but this may be a worthwhile topic.

November 5th, 2010


Hi Everyone –

Here is a two-part screen cast of my personal learning environment! I hope you all enjoy the tour and I look forward to yours.



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