wesleyp's blog

September 25th, 2010

Reflective Journal – Week 5 (LRND5660 )

Posted by wesleyp in LRND5660  Tagged , ,    

I just finished using XMIND for the first time, and that software will most definitely come in handy for future web design projects! There are a hundred occasions I could have used that for in the past few years, but I’m glad I was finally introduced to it.

I just finished a rough, rough concept map for a paper I’ll be writing in LRND6010. My topic of choice is Digital Learning > Online Training for Franchisees. I am hoping to be able to tie my passion for screen printing, and business in general, with digital learning in a business environment. I hope to some day own a screen printing company that will franchise out across the US, and what better time than now to start planning for it! My goal is to tailor a handful of my masters projects in with my business idea, so I can knock out my degree and business plan without doing the same work twice! I think that being able train future franchisees in digital environments will both train them more effectively and create more resources for them to learn; along with potentially saving thousands of dollars in expenses for the company.

I’m anxious to see how this first research project goes so I can revise my ideas until they are good enough for a thesis or final project.

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