wesleyp's blog

September 25th, 2010

Reflective Journal – Week 5 (LRND5660 )

Posted by wesleyp in LRND5660  Tagged , ,    

I just finished using XMIND for the first time, and that software will most definitely come in handy for future web design projects! There are a hundred occasions I could have used that for in the past few years, but I’m glad I was finally introduced to it.

I just finished a rough, rough concept map for a paper I’ll be writing in LRND6010. My topic of choice is Digital Learning > Online Training for Franchisees. I am hoping to be able to tie my passion for screen printing, and business in general, with digital learning in a business environment. I hope to some day own a screen printing company that will franchise out across the US, and what better time than now to start planning for it! My goal is to tailor a handful of my masters projects in with my business idea, so I can knock out my degree and business plan without doing the same work twice! I think that being able train future franchisees in digital environments will both train them more effectively and create more resources for them to learn; along with potentially saving thousands of dollars in expenses for the company.

I’m anxious to see how this first research project goes so I can revise my ideas until they are good enough for a thesis or final project.

September 25th, 2010

Reflective Journal – Week 4

Posted by wesleyp in LRND5660  Tagged ,    

Since I didn’t get a chance to write a reflection DURING week 4, I am dedicating this post to reflecting on a project I spent a nice chuck of my time working on in week 4.

So far this semester, I’ve spent plenty of time reading, summarizing, analyzing and interacting with my classmates and instructors. This was the first week that I dug in and did some actual research. I spend some time early on dreading the research, mostly due to bad experiences in undergrad, but I was pleasantly surprised both with what I learned and how my first screen cast turned out.

I didn’t realize how “boring” or as Terry nicely put it, “serious,” my screen cast was until after I turned it in (: I was a little bummed, but optimistic that I can be a little more “lively” in future screen casts. Some of my classmates did an excellent job being animated and even lightening up the information they were presenting with a joke.

In the end, I’m glad I spent some time researching Malcolm Knowles, and I am excited and optimistic about future screen casting projects.

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