wesleyp's blog

September 2nd, 2010

Reflective Journal – Week 2

Posted by wesleyp in LRND5660  Tagged    

As I am starting to really dig into my master’s courses, I can’t help but feel digitally disorganized for the first time in my file. From the blogs to the tweets, I am hopelessly searching for a way to organize all of the information that is circulating in my courses and life right now.

As I was telling one of my classmates today, my first instinct is to do what I was trained to do as an undergrad… print everything! I am fighting the urge, as I know there is a way to organize and filter everything in a manner that works best for me.

On a positive note – I do love the way that the courses are structured around peer interaction, and I am searching for a method to not only improve my work based on their reviews, but also capture and store their review so I can understand the evolution of my work and all of the twists and turns along the way.

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