wesleyp's blog

August 28th, 2010

Reflective Journal – Week 1

Posted by wesleyp in LRND5660  Tagged    

Reflective Journal – Week 1

Week 1 traveled at the speed of light. Getting started with both grad school and being a graduate assistant, I was left wondering what I got myself into! I found out during Grad Orientation that I would be teaching my first class as a TA… without the instructor! He wasn’t going to be able to make the class, and I was left to introduce myself to the students and give an overview of the course. Luckily the class went well, and I somehow found the nerves to both teach the class and keep the students engaged…and no one dropped the class (:

Aside from being a teaching assistant, I am wondering how many hours I can possibly spend working at the computer for school. I left my last job because I spent 9+ hours a day glued to a computer monitor, so I am hoping I get the hang of this and can break up the hours I spend sitting here.

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