Information on Islam for Kids

November 12, 2010

Information on Islam offers simple history questions for younger students complete with photographs and a multi-faith calendar. Other faiths are linked to this page.

The classroom lessons on TeachableMoment.Org foster critical thinking on issues of the day and a positive classroom environment. Teachers are free to use these lessons in their classrooms.

Science notebooks can be used to help students develop, practice, and refine their science understanding, while also enhancing reading, writing, mathematics and communications. On this site you will find examples of student work from science notebooks – many from common used commercially developed science instructional materials, information to support the use of science notebooks, and strategies to use notebooks to integrate reading, writing, mathematics, and science

Melting and Dissolving

November 12, 2010

A nice lesson on the difference between melting and dissolving is available from the Australian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. For many students in elementary school, melting and dissolving are seen as indistinguishable. Although two materials are required for the dissolving process, students tend to focus only on the solid and they regard this process as similar to ‘melting’

Inquiry in Action

November 12, 2010

What causes certain substances to dissolve in water? Why do some liquids bead up on wax paper while others spread out? These questions and many more are explored in Inquiry in Action, a 470-page resource of guided, inquiry-based activities that covers basic chemistry concepts along with the process of scientific investigation.

The Children’s Literacy and Science Project (CLASP) is a professional development program for elementary school teachers (K-5). The project prepares teachers to use children’s self-produced science journals to integrate science and literacy in the elementary school curriculum.


November 2, 2010

Edutechnophobia is a great resource dedicated to “Helping educators conquer their technology fears.”

Cook Political Report

November 2, 2010

The Cook Political Report provides a detailed projection for the mid-term elections.

Polling Report

November 2, 2010 is a nonpartisan group that looks at American public opinion and publishes surveys by differing organizations.

The non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics runs a website that tracks financial contributions to politicians and their effects on elections and policy.