So far chapter 4 has been one of my favorite chapters. It discusses the use of AFK aka away from keyboard. I have played other online games (yes I’m aware SL is not a game) and AFK is frequently used. I used these 2 examples in my paper of AFk.
City Of Heroes (MMORPG) conversation:
Thunderwatt: Alright, I’m heading in first, wait for the ready!
GravRock: Alright, ill hold em while Blaze Nova (me) blasts away
Me: hold up, afk for 10 have to throw laundry in
Thunderwatt: what?! Were only half way through the map just wait?
Me: Can’t, gotta get this
GravRock: That’s fucked up man, you’re the only blaster* here
Me: ha, just playin.
Thunderwatt: phew
GravRock: Not cool.
SecondLife conversation:
Hayls: Yea, pizza does sound good.
Me: I’m definitely about to smash this (pizza).
Me: AFK for 15.
Hayls: Ha eat some for me!
Me: no prob
As I state in my paper, “Clearly it was not socially polite to go afk at that moment due to either their outside time constraints or cybersocial rules. In the SL afk example, the notification of going AFK is taken a little different.” This is due for a number of reasons. In the City of Heroes game, I had teammates depending on me to accomplish their goal, in a timely fashion whereas the SL convo was casual and open. Now if we were having an intense conversation I may have gotten the same reaction as thunderwatt did. Even in virtual worlds, our common knowledge of everyday life carries over.