oops, forgot to publish this page.
Chapter 6 deal with intimacy, sexuality and relationships. In this chapter he differentiates between “chat” and “ims” (152). Chat is different than IMs due to the fact anyone can access an IM and chat has to be in the local vicinty to see them. An IM was also more personal. In this chapter other topics are disccussed such as friendship or love.
Now earlier in the semester if you would have told me all these things existed on Second Life I would have told you that you need to see a therapist. After weeks on SL one can clearly see how friendships or relationships are formed. I am able to joke with our group mates just as well as a stranger or local strangers. Just like any relationship constant attention is needed to maintain it. The same can be applied to a romantic relationship, it can grow with attention and communication but can falter without it.