“Meet Your Maker” with new trailer

Fresh on the web is the official one-sheet poster and trailer for a new slasher flick from Screen Media Films that is set to make its DVD debut on April 12.

Photo by Horrorbid

The film is called The Mask Maker and it was shot by actor/director Griff Furst (Lake Placid 3).

Horrorbid is calling the movie an “old school indie throwback” that is “inspired by John Carpenter” and I actually think I agree. I finished watching the trailer just minutes ago and I definitely saw some striking similarities between the style that Carpenter used in a lot of his old school horror movies, especially in Halloween.

Though, my question is this: Is having your style compared to John Carpenter’s a good thing?

Answer: I’m not so sure. While I know that “imitation is the highest form of flattery,” I believe it to also be the highest form of unoriginality. Like I’ve said a million times, we are living in a world where the film industry is dominated by remakes and rip-offs and that is becoming more and more disappointing as time goes on.

The director for this film is young; he’s only around 31-years-old and it is very disappointing that this young filmmaker is already having his style compared to somebody else’s.

The next generation of filmmakers (especially in a troubled genre like horror) should be here to excite and captivate audiences with new and original content that has never been seen before (or at least not as good).

New directors should not be entering into the field with their films being compared to industry veterans. Now, maybe I’m being a little obnoxious. Maybe this wasn’t intentional on his part. The interesting thing about film is that every project is open to interpretation in every aspect.

So, what is your interpretation of this film? Is it original or is it something that you’ve seen before?

Start a conversation. Watch the trailer and tell me what you think.

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One Response to “Meet Your Maker” with new trailer

  1. After reading, I learned a lot. This is a good article.

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